Monday, April 4, 2011


LAN stands for the Local Area Network in local Area Network we have different computer and devices connected through a network cable or they can also be connected wirelessly and shares the resources available on the server e.g. we can have Mail Server, Printer Server etc and the LAN is normally limited to one building or you can say to small geographical area like an office, home. The main three technologies in LAN are as follow:

Ethernet if the most commonly used technology, while FDDI is normally used for interconnecting the Token Ring and Ethernet.
Currently the LAN technologies normally use the switched IEEE 802.3 technology which runs at 10, 100, and 1000 Mbps.


The Metropolitan Area Network is a computer network that covers a larger area then that of the LAN usually from city-city connectivity is done through MAN. For example there is an organization whose offices are located in two or three or more cities so the offices will be connected through MAN. And normally wireless technology or optic fiber is used for the connectivity purposes.

WAN stands for Wide Area Network the WAN can simply be defined as the network which connects two or more LANs. While as far as the WAN is concerned there are certain other features a network will be called WAN when its connection crosses the boundaries of any nation, county, metropolitan or in other words we can say that WAN technology is more complicated to that of the LAN which uses Routers and public communication links for communication and the most common example of the WAN technology is the Internet.

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